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Please Note:  Homes built within Spin Lake require a septic system. Due to changes in EPA regulations, many vacant lots within the subdivision do not meet current requirements for installation of a new septic system. McLean County, not the Spin Lake Homeowners Association, determines whether a septic system can be installed on a property. Please contact the McLean County Health department at (309)888-5482 for more information before purchasing any lot.



Building plans must be approved and all fees paid prior to beginning construction. Continue reading for more information on this process and the fees involved.


Click here to see a list of Spin Lake lots and their associated tax ID numbers:







The Spin Lake Association Board must approve all plans for construction before building begins. The plans must meet the specifications set fourth in the Spin Lake By Laws and Declaration of Restrictions. For precise information on building specifications, please read the Spin Lake By-Laws and Declaration of Restrictions. The owner is also responsible for acquiring all necessary permits required by McLean County. This shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, health department sanitation permit, and zoning permit. The Association requires copies of all county permits.


In addition, all new construction is subject to the following policies and restrictions:


1. Any owner of 2 or more contiguous lots who wishes to build a house must apply in writing to the Board of Directors. Outbuildings cannot be erected on lots prior to a home being built and outbuildings cannot be used as dwellings. Lots are limited to one house and two outbuildings.


2. The minimum square footage for a dwelling is 1,250. This excludes porches, terraces, garages, carports, basements, and other buildings. â€‹In the case of one-story houses, all 1,250 square feet of living space must be on the first floor. In the case of a multistory house, there must be a minimum of 1,000 square feet on the first floor. Any area that is substantially below ground level does not count toward square footage.


3. No dwelling, building structure or improvement of any type or any kind may be constructed or placed on any lot without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. The written application must be accompanied by two complete sets of plans and specifications for any proposed construction or improvement. Each plan must include all exterior materials to be used and any proposed landscaping. The Board may request additional information as needed.


4. A copy of the application must be filed with the McLean County Zoning Office and a copy of the building permit must be submitted to the Board. The Board may refuse to grant permission to build if the application process is not completely as required or the plans are in violation of any community policies.


5. In the event of any material change in the plans, specifications, construction, layout or other matters effecting construction, notice of all such material changes shall be given to the Board prior to said changes being made and written approval shall be obtained prior to making any such material changes.


6. The Board has the right to check the progress of the building. If building is not constructed according to the plans and specifications as approved by the Board then the Board has a right to direct that the owner cease construction until all violations or unauthorized changes are corrected.


7. An inspection must occur prior to pouring any foundation so that the proper location of the building to be constructed can be ascertained. All foundations for homes shall be constructed of concrete, block, foam block filled with concrete, or other form of aggregate.


8. Heavy construction vehicles (lumber trucks, concrete trucks, etc.) used in the building of a home must comply with Danvers Township Road District road restrictions as to allowable operation dates and weight limits. Violators will bee reported to the appropriate authorities.


9.​ Fences. Must obtain Board of Directors' approval before construction of any fence.


10. No property shall be occupied until it has been approved to be occupied by the McLean County Zoning



11. An easement over and across the first fifteen feet adjacent to any road or street is given to the Association for improving or widening any road or for the furnishing of utilities and/or services generally using such right-of-way.


12. Every building whose construction or placement has begun must be completed within 12 months of the start date. No improvement which has partially or totally been destroyed by fire or otherwise, shall be allowed to remain in such state for more than three months from the time of such destruction or damage.​


13. Please see the Community Rules and Declaration of Restrictions for additional information.

The following fees must be paid in full before construction begins:


Includes the annual $200.00 road assessment for the current year. The owner of the lot shall be responsible for the expenses incurred to repair any damage to the roads caused by any and all construction equipment and activity in the course of building. Such amounts shall be considered as a special assessment, subject to the lien provisions set forth in Article IX, Section 4 of the Spin Lake By Laws.



The Association shall retain 5% of the permit/compliance fee to cover expenses incurred in monitoring construction. The remainder (95% of the fee) shall be returned to the owner of the lot within 12 months from the date construction began provided that all restrictions and covenants set forth in the Spin Lake By Laws and Declaration of Restrictions have been honored and complied. If such compliance has not occurred, a penalty of 10% of the fee per month, or part thereof, shall be imposed. Any remaining part of the fee, after correction of any violation of restrictions and/or covenants, shall be returned. Imposition of any penalty shall not relieve the property owner from the obligation to comply with the By Laws, Declaration of Restrictions, rules, and regulations of the Spin Lake Property Owners Association. Particular attention should be given to the restrictions set forth in Article IV, Section 3 of the Declaration of Restrictions.


   $100.00 (at cost)

          A water meter must be purchased from the Association at market price.



The following items are provided by the Association for water hookup:

1. 1 inch saddle

2. Corp. stop

3. 1-1/4 inch copper pipe to inside property line

4. Curb stop and box

The owner is required to use 1 inch copper gauge plastic or 1 inch copper from curb stop to meter. Please see the Spin Lake By Laws and Declaration of Restrictions for further information on water connection.


A flat $35 per month water fee is assessed to all homes within Spin Lake.



for each additional lot

      All outstanding past year’s dues and/or fees must also be paid in full.




approximately $5015.00

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** If the plans are withdrawn before construction begins, and before the water connection is made, fees are refundable upon request.

Additional Information:


  1. The owner of the property is responsible for locating the property stakes.

  2.  The owner is responsible for the location of all underground utilities or easements and for the repair of any damage done to utilities or easements. This includes but is not limited to power lines, telephone and communication lines, water lines and the road. It has been our experience that construction trucks frequently cannot see power and telephone connection boxes or water lines. It is the responsibility of the owner to arrange with a Board Member to inspect utilities prior to construction and certify their condition. Any damage found after certification will be assumed to be the result of the construction and will be charged to the owner. It would be advisable to mark all utilities in a manner that will make them visible to people working or making deliveries.

  3. In order to provide proper drainage, a ten (10) inch, or larger, culvert is required at all ditch crossings. A check should be made with the Association to assure that this will be adequate.

  4. In the event of a dispute over compliance with construction rules the burden of proof is on the owner. The owner should keep on file copies and/or originals of all pertinent applications, permits, approvals, etc. It is suggested that to avoid possible disagreements about verbal understandings, the owner confirm all agreements in writing. It is also recommended that a copy of the agreement be given to the person with whom the owner reached the agreement and the president of the Association and secretary (if different).

  5. The Declaration of Restrictions and By Laws must be signed by the lot owner before beginning construction.​

  6. Please see the Community Rules page for additional building policies


NOTE: Spin Lake maintains records of any past due fees or liens against lots. To determine if a lot is subject to past due fees or has a lien against the lot, please contact the current treasurer at: 

Spin Lake Map
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